Monday, August 8, 2011

Liberal vs. Radical

Where I begin to disagree...

1) I don't we are made up of "groups" but I also don't believe in individualism.
  • I believe that we are all one.
  • When we divide ourselves and create these hierarchies we hurt ourselves and go against our nature of oneness.
  • I understand that in functional society there is a great divide of the have and have nots, but I strongly believe focusing on that divide is counterproductive.
  • Anyone advocating revolution should hope that we are creating unity.
2) Education IS necessary.

  • How do we take the systems apart brick by brick without knowing how to?
  • How do we take the systems apart if we don't even realize they are there?
  • I get what she is saying but, there must be a revolution of the mind before there is a manifestation of it.
  • I don't believe everyone has to be on board, nor that we must systematically wait (generations) for people to understand - but I think it's silly to think education isn't a factor.

I do agree that we consent to our oppression.
But, the awful thing is - most people don't even realize they are oppressed.
They think everything is fine.
They are totally oblivious to the fact that a lot of these things are going on.
Which goes back to why I strongly believe that education is such an important factor.

Which are you?

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